Ideas, advice & reflections
Below is a collection of my most recent blogs about aspects of leadership, strategy, managing people and how each of us can fulfill our potential. Its written from experience.
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Does your coach get what you do?
Many executive coaches work across business sectors in which they have no experience. Do coaches need to understand your business sector or profession to be effective? Here Mark Prisk explains why context matter and why his property background makes him a more effective coach in that sector.
Steering, not rowing
Directors need to steer, not row. Here Mark Prisk explains the difficulties many aspiring directors face and how executive coaching helps them make the grade.
Who are you calling bias?
Who is truly objective? How can good leaders ensure they have all the right information and ideas when making decisions? Mark Prisk explains some of the themes he applies when coaching business and civic leaders.
Can you put yourself in others’ shoes?
Effective leaders need to learn how to put themselves in others’ shoes - customers, shareholders and staff. Executive Coach Mark Prisk explains the problem and how to make the change.
Mission Accomplished?
Apollo 11 fulfilled President Kennedy’s mission to land a man on the moon
Are you avoiding confrontation?
if you hate conflict at work, you’re not alone. Mark Prisk explains why we do it and how grasp the nettle.
Turning managers into directors
How can you turn your good managers into effective directors.? Its one of the most common reasons I have been asked to work with senior managers over the last year. What are the problems and how can coaching help?
What are the benefits of coaching?
Mark Prisk reflects on the corporate and personal benefits of coaching
Who’s in charge, here ?
Is your business led by a decisive CEO? Or do you encourage your team to take initiative and help set the company’s goals? Mark Prisk reflects on different business cultures and offers three tips for CEOs.
Who do you listen to?
Who has your ear? Are you getting the whole picture? Mark Prisk offers three tips to help leaders ensure they know what’s really happening.
Coach or mentor? What do you need?
Cristiano Ronaldo calls Sir Alex Ferguson his coach and mentor. Yet they are different roles. What are they and what do they do?
If only Basil had had EI
Mark Prisk explores why emotional intelligence is as important as intellect.
Can you see the wood?
In an age of specialisation at work many achievers find it increasingly difficult to think strategically. Mark Prisk reflects on why the big picture matters and what’s holding people back.
Why do we find it hard to delegate?
Was Napoleon right to say that if you want something done, you should do it yourself? How can we learn to delegate better?
Are you listening?
Mark Prisk explores why it matters and how we can all become effective listeners